Guest information
Dress Policy
Only conventional and appropriate attire may be worn by Members and their Guests. Members and Designees are expected to ensure that immediate family members and guests adhere to such rules. Members should remind their Guests of the dress policy prior to arrival at the Club.
- Gentlemen: Shirts with collars and sleeves, or collarless golf shirts, slacks, or golf shorts up to four inches above the knee are considered appropriate attire on the course and practice areas. Denim without holes or tears, and dress shirts are considered appropriate attire in the Clubhouse in addition to golf attire. Shirts must remain tucked in at all times. Hats must remain in a forward position at all times. No hats are allowed in Dining room.
- Ladies: Golf dresses, athletic skirts, slacks, golf shorts up to four inches above the knee, and shirts with collars, or modest golf shirts are considered appropriate attire on the course and practice facilities. Dresses, skirts, slacks, shorts up to four inches above the knee, denim without holes or tears, and modest shirts are considered appropriate attire in the Clubhouse.